zombie v robot pt7: record of making pt2

The set ( pre render)TAG 7% the set pre renderr.png

TAG 10% machine opned up.png


5% tag setup   whack a mole
First attempt at the machine plan to have things flip out.
Feedback: you should   take the one from the side away and the top one away, it is coming from nowhere, you should shift the middle one otherwise, the moles are going to collide.

After feedback decided to have the whack a mole top, have an actual bottom and shifted the middle   panel as well as create it so it is actually in the machine.
TAG 5% red top.png
Had a go at texturing in Quixel, after this decided to texture the whole machine in the program.
TAG 10% colour whack a mole.pngHad a go at texturing in Quixel, after this decided to texture the whole machine in the program.
The machine looked off so for the middle one modeled the back of the machine so it would go in. (result in top of post)

mole tag 10%

(In mud box)
green pot ocoput TAG 6%.png
Later decided to make the green, blue to match the colour scheme of the robot.
octopus TAG 9%.png
discoball and slincy TAG 6%.png
Spring and disco ball created these because these are common tacky toys found in arcades.
dino 2TAG 7%.pngparasiteTAG 6%
Blue dinosaur, the aim was for it to nod to that it is the robot’s prize, matching the robots colour scheme and similar to part of the robots arm.
Parasite toy, an item no one needs.
sasuage and dice TAG 4% .png
Poorly drawn on dice with the aim for it to look    tacky and cheap, like toys you’ll find in arcades. The sausage ended up looking like a sweet.

wheelie thing rendered tag 7%.png
The card

card backcard front

boxes tag
Tried to   texture the bow with hyper shade and putting a diffuse, it looked awful. Decided to do it in quixiel.

31/ may / 2015
The program and my computer   kept crashing with this error.
To try to solve this I changed texture sizes.


Did a test   so can   implement having the machine break and the glass shattering.
Didn’t have time to figure out how to change it so can control when it starts or finishes in the timeline. Was only able to figure out how to let the item shatter from the start. Could not figure out how to stop the cubes falling downwards either as well the  program slowed down significantly, on top of that  it only worked half the time.
After the test animation decided to not have the machine, shatter because there is just not enough time to figure it out at this stage.
#faultyness TAG 5%

When animating the camera, realized there was an odd  grey cloak  on all the assets that appear or disappear  making the items  not visible, had to redo the camera in an old version.



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