3rd year part 5: Toys and Knick knacks

Primary source aesthetic research.

At first looked at my own collection of plushies and Nick Knacks as inspiration of what can be in the masks man room or what plush he could be giving to the girl. Most of the items are a decade old or older while a few are recent in comparison. By comparing the old to the new, you can see a few differences such as  discolouration and the condition of the item. Due to these reasons, it makes it relevant to look at for the project.

1 plushies priv

The doraemon plush (the blue cat with no ears holding the pancake) still in packaging is well over a decade and a half old, you can see the dust and the discolouration of the fabric.

The yellow bear in the right corner is over a decade old, the bow has patches of different shades, the material looks worn out.
The sheep and penguin were bought at the same time over a decade ago yet the penguin is in a better condition compared to the used-up sheep. The sheep had been in the wash many times, part of the chain is missing, the fur is discoloured. The penguin has never been washed.

In conclusion need to think about how close the item is to the characters, how old the item is, what condition do the characters store the items, the age the character was when he or she so happened to have the item.

3 plushies alt priv

A road kill squirrel with intestines coming out.
The hedgehog in the left corner is about 16 – 17 years old, from the years the fur has matted, change colour, the belly section if memory served right was a lot paler colour.
The Rick and Morty in the middle are the newest items there, they are muted colours but don’t look discoloured.

3 plushies privA skull bowl holding Gatchapon balls and old McDonald toys. In conclusion might think about what containers items can be held in the masked man’s room.

The old McDonald bear toys that’s possibly 12 years old are simple square shapes while having a circle shape for its head, the hand looks like Lego hands. Lucky Cat knickknacks, smooth ceramic with all the details painted on, a piece of string with a bell on it.

Decided to take a photo of the nightmare before Christmas in the mini plastic jar stands because it looks presentable, stackable making it have more of a collector purpose. In conclusion going to think about modelling glass jars with things inside in the masked man’s room.

In conclusion if were to make something appear old and used in the animation for it to have faded washed out colours and possibly bits missing. The majority of the plushies collected over the years was a variant of an animal with some from tv shows. Need to think If the character in the animation gathered items from travels, relationships, interests, or tv shows in their lifetime. Going to look at today’s market for toys to see if there’s a link.

25 / July / 2018

Primary Aesthetic research inspiration.
Ventured out into knickknack and toy stores, photographed and looked at different types of children’s toys since plan to have one of the characters to be a child and be given a toy therefore making this research relevant to the project.

1 flying tigerAnatomy kits, lots of windup toys that’s just heads, cards, a wooden snake, stamps, dinosaurs, juggling ball and excavation kit.

2 flying tiger

An animatronic bird that makes noises, a brain eraser, light decoration in shape of netted balls, a bowl in a shape of a swan.
       In conclusion might thing about animations in shape of everyday items like cups, for the final animation.

3 flying tiger

Stationary items: Stamps, pens, pens with faces, duck eases, a colourful pencil case that completely made out of zips, baseball bat eraser, bowling eraser, an old-style pencil sharpener in a shape of an old style camera.4 flying tiger

A bust of a white baby head with a pineapple as a head, the tip is golden. Cat toys of fish, creatures with their mouths open with it being attached to a string on a stick, a mouse in a ball, a cup with a long curly green straw, a bunny, a Sellotape holder in with an old-style camera design, sticky notes with a movie clapboard sleeve, a green toy in a shape of a bone with blunt spikes and colourful stamps.
5 boxes flying

Looked at storage boxes, how some of them come open with its compartments. A checkered blue and white box kind of reminds me of the circus.
6 flying tiger

This mood board is of soft toys. The bear has patterned fabric on its ears, brown patch on one eye and stomach.  A doll with no arms with closed eyes and yellow yarn for hair.

The duck has: a black body with yellow beak and feet, the body is elongated with ridges, the eyes are white round balls with black dots with the head being a different texture.
Black gloves with pink spots and triangular palm.

7 cricus equipment

While walking outside saw a store with circus type equipment: juggling balls, juggling sticks hula hoops and a unicycle.

In conclusion: soft toys don’t need arms, could model toys attached to sticks, going to look more into the circus and think about a possible story behind a circus theme.

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