3rd year part 6: Forum answers

17 / September / 2017

Decided to ask people on forums what their childhood toy was, to get the idea of what type of stuffed toys are common. Also on forums asked people what their sentimental item/s was, how old they were and how they came about to the ownership of the item. To see if it was most common to have an attachment to the item depending on their relationship to the person that gave it them or if they just found it themselves from for example travels.

Decided to ask people what sentimental items they own from over the years as inspiration of what the masked man can own in his gaming/oddities room or can give to the child.

In conclusion: might think about having ashes in the background, most people seem to have formed an attachment to their items that was given from a parent. For a soft toy, most people mention: a teddy bear, 2nd as a rabbit then other animal like dogs or ducks. Therefore, going to think about an animal as a stuffed toy for the finial animation.

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